Displaying 1-20 of 73 packages depending on leanprover-community/plausible
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  1. lindy-labs/aegisuses42dc02b

    Verify Cairo contracts in Lean 4
  2. FR-vdash-bot/algorithmusesv4.15.0-rc1

    Verified efficient algorithms in Lean4.
  3. jsm28/AMusesv4.16.0-rc1

    Lean formalization of aperiodic monotiles papers (staging repository for material not yet in mathlib)
  4. dwrensha/animateusesv4.15.0

    tool for turning Lean proofs into Blender animations
  5. FormalizedFormalLogic/arithmetizationusesv4.15.0-rc1

    Formalization of Arithmetization of Mathematics/Metamathematics
  6. sven-manthe/borel_detusesv4.15.0-rc1

  7. jaalonso/Calculemus2usesv4.15.0-rc1

    Proof exercises in Lean4 and Isabelle/HOL
  8. jaalonso/Calculemus2_esusesv4.15.0-rc1

    Ejercicios de demostraciĆ³n con Lean4 e Isabelle/HOL.
  9. fpvandoorn/carlesonusesv4.16.0-rc1

    A formalized proof of Carleson's theorem in Lean
  10. dwrensha/Chessusesv4.15.0

    Chess in Lean 4
  11. GasStationManager/CodeProofTheArenauses42dc02b

    Lean coding problem solving challenge website with proof verification
  12. dwrensha/compfilesusesv4.16.0-rc1

    Catalog Of Math Problems Formalized In Lean
  13. leanprover-community/ConNFusesv4.16.0-rc1

    A formal consistency proof of Quine's set theory New Foundations
  14. imbrem/DeBruijnSSAusesv4.15.0-rc1

    A formalization of SSA in Lean 4
  15. imbrem/discretionusesv4.15.0

    Utilities for formalizing programming languages in Lean 4, along with other tidbits
  16. teorth/equational_theoriesuses42dc02b

    A project to map out the relations between different equational theories of Magmas.
  17. MichaelStollBayreuth/EulerProductsusesv4.15.0-rc1

    An attempt at formalizing facts on Euler products in Lean
  18. gsierra99/ExFormMathL4usesv4.15.0-rc1

  19. teorth/expdbusesv4.16.0-rc1

    Exponent pair database